Summer Memories!

Summer Memories!

It’s the last day of August and the start of Labor Day weekend, and I don’t want summer to end.  I notice the sun setting a little earlier every day, of course, but the school buses are already on the roads!  What happened to school starting after Labor Day??

At our local Farmers Market, the blueberries and peaches are now out of season, replaced by multiple varieties of apples. The days and nights should be starting to cool down, but temperatures have been in the high 90’s in the Northeast this week, giving me hope that we still have some of the season to enjoy.

Summer is my favorite season, and August my favorite month - my birthday is in August, on a date I share with the great state of Colorado where I grew up.  The best birthday treat as a young girl was a trip with my family and a few friends to Elitch Gardens, a small and beautifully landscaped amusement park (later bought and expanded by Six Flags).  We’d spend all afternoon and evening there, taking in all the rides, eating hot dogs and cotton candy, listening to jazz music at the bandstand.  We had a blast, even if we were a little nauseous on the way out!

My childhood summer days were literally spent outdoors – swimming, horseback- and bike-riding, playing tennis and whiffle ball, hiking, camping, and some fishing on weekends. Until my teens, my younger sisters and I just “played”.  We had no assigned summer homework, tutoring or test prep to fit in as my own children did, but I always found time to read avidly.  In later years I had summer jobs babysitting, working at the local sports store and restaurants.  And as much as I loved school, I would feel a little blue as the end of August approached, knowing that those leisurely days were coming to an end….

The picture with this post is of Nate, Will, and me with Gracie (Nate's fiancee), and some of our dear friends (and Nate and Gracie's dog Rocky!).  We had co-sponsored and participated in a fund raising run earlier this summer, and have done a few more since - these are the new memories we are building around the rhythm of our lives!

So, with Labor Day weekend upon us, I hope you will savor the remaining days of Summer and all that it offers: great weather, getting together with friends and family, enjoying the beauty of the outdoors.  I am heading to Cape Cod to visit a few college friends, Will is already away with his college friends, and Nate is going on a 90 mile bike ride and making last minute preparations for his wedding in two weeks! 

Just around the corner is September and the Fall... I will miss the Summer and my memories of August, but just as surely by this time next week I will be looking forward to all the beauty of the coming season!

~ Cordy Kelly
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